"Thanks for so many nice comments. What great publicity for my books."
Elizabeth C.
"Wow, Thanks Marcia, Inspires me."
Gary S.
Blog Host, Marcia Rosen
Author of “My Gangster Father and Me” will be published in 2024. Also, author of 11 books, including My Memoir Workbook, has presented numerous Memoir Writing Programs and Encouraging the Writer Within You Presentations for over 16 years.
Be Your Own Memoir Detective
A good detective needs to be tenacious, patient, look at the truths of a situation, and ask questions that get to the heart of the matter. Exactly what is needed to write a good memoir. How do you search for clues about your history and their impact on your life? Be your own memoir detective.
My Newest Book, "Murder at the Zoo" is now available

The Spinster, the Rebel, and the Governor
Exciting & Unique New Historical Mystery
February, 20, 2024, The Spinster, the Rebel, and the Governor, second edition, published by Artemesia Press, written by award winning author, Charlene Bell Dietz. Dietz unravels the hidden life of an unsung heroine in a historical mystery full of suspense, secrets and scandalous action. This woman, Margaret Brent, asked for the vote two-hundred years before Susan B. Anthony when named one of the first female attorneys in America.
The Wells girl covered her eyes with both hands. Margaret, ignoring the buzzing of flies and the damp heat of the morning sun, worked to untangle the girl’s words in her mind.
“If the river doesn’t take me, then I shall have my baby alone and will have to live with Master Cole, and I shall never see my dear Tom again.” With that, she burst into tears.
“You do not look like you are about to have a baby. Why do you say your time is up?”
“Master Cole brought me here four years ago. He said after I had worked for him for four years, I wouldn’t owe him a tad more, and now he says I can’t leave, and so I might as well marry him. Lady Brent. I worked hard from early morning until after dark every day, and my time is up. Even the devil would say this isn’t right.” She sniffed and looked away.
Margaret set her jaw. “Heaven help us if other masters here in Maryland treat their servants in this manner.”
“There’s nothing I can do.” She bit her lip. “I thought maybe the next time you talked with Governor Calvert you might say something on my behalf, and I pray my request is not one of cheekiness.”
“Mary.” Margaret called sharply across to the soap making group. “Would you please come here?”
When Mary finished saying something, she trotted over to the garden. “Hello, Carrie. Are you not feeling well—your face seems flushed?”
“So, you are acquainted with Carrie Wells?” Margaret studied her sister, slipped the basket from Carrie, and moved it into Mary’s hands. “She brought these for us and herbs to scent your soap.”
“Sometimes on Sundays after church Carrie walks with me in the woods and shows me barks, roots, and herbs that heal.” She glanced at the basket. “Why, these are lovely.” She glanced at the young woman, then put her hand on Carrie’s arm. “Are you still having trouble with Jacob Cole?”
“Jacob Cole is about to have troubles with her. Has Giles returned from Kent for Assembly today? Will both our brothers be at the meeting?” Margaret’s frogs roiled inside her.
How dare these men take advantage of their servants?
“I saw him and Fulke along with some other men heading to Lewger’s home earlier.”
“Come, Carrie Wells. We shall also attend Assembly.”
“But—Margaret,” Mary grabbed her arm. “Certainly, women would not be allowed—”
Margaret shrugged Mary away, snatched Carrie Wells by her hand, and stomped off down the path.
“Sister,” Mary called after her, “you must take off that filthy apron. You’re covered in soil.”
Margaret jerked it untied and slung it. “There is a difference between God’s soil and men’s dirt. Carrie Wells and I are about to sort this very thing out with all those fine gentlemen of Assembly.”
Contact Charlene Bell Dietz: chardietzpen@gmail.com, www.inkydancestudios.com,https://www.facebook.com/charlene.dietz.9/

A Letter, by award winning author of 21 books, Elizabeth Cooke, age 98, is a love story from the heart and a life lived well. “The book is a testament to A LETTER and to love in its various forms. There have been moments when one holds a letter from years ago from a loved one, from a good friend, from a loving son, and the whole panoply of something relevant in those far-off years comes alive. It almost burns. Images, relationships, love and hate, emerge from the latent page.”
Many famous people wrote love letters, Ernest Hemmingway to Marlene Dietrich even Napoleon to Josephine, and so many more. There are presidents over the centuries who have sent letters of love and there is teenage love, and the pain of long-lost attachments. And let’s not forget most love stories have a hint of mystery to them some with secrets hiding the past. “A letter is alive. And therefore, so is the reader, alive once again to that moment, that crisis of emotion in the mists of the past.”
*Elizabeth Cooke, was raised in New York City, a graduate of Vassar College and The Sorbonne. She is the award-winning author of twenty-one books. Elizabeth is also a long-time animal activist and for ten years was chairman of Bide-A-Wee Home, a no-kill animal welfare organization in Manhattan and Long Island.
Marcia G. Rosen
Each of us has our own unique story. Our memories can evoke a wide range of emotions. They can bring a smile and remind us of a time when we were particularly happy. Other memories can bring tears, especially when they are memories of a broken heart.
With some thought, we can also recall experiences that have long impacted on our ideas and ideals. They are the basis of our hopes, distrust and uncertainty. They have contributed to our commitments and distractions. They surely give voice to our dreams and determinations.
Whether you are writing for your grandchildren, to help or inspire others outside your family, or simply want to leave a lasting voice to celebrate your life, you have a story to tell! Your memoir can be about a single period of your life or the whole of your life. This is your history. Be willing to go on an emotional journey that can be both wonderful and painful. Be willing to tell the truth. It is essential you do your very best to be honest and open about your life experiences.
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