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The Woman's Business Therapist



"The Woman's Business Therapist: Eliminate the MindBlocks and RoadBlocks to Success" speaks to the approximately 10 million women who own businesses in the United States, which are generating close to three trillion in revenues and employing 30% of our country's workforce. All signs point to continued growth in this major trend, and there is no question that this is the right book at the right time for women starting, growing, and operating their own businesses in the 21st Century.


In the format of 12 business therapy "sessions," the book focuses on the common challenges women entrepreneurs encounter. The reader identifies her own symptoms and learns the secrets of what is truly holding her back. She reads anecdotes about women like her and what they did to overcome obstacles and become successful. At the end of each "session", Marcia offers proven and practical solutions.


Throughout the book, Marcia makes the reader feel she is not alone in her challenges, that she deserves success and recognition for all that she does, and that there is great hope and potential for her as a business owner. The reader encounters a level of compassion and humor, a level of hope and encouragement, as well as recognition for who she is and what she has accomplished.


The "Sessions" of "The Woman's Business Therapist":


  • Session 1 – Money

  • Session 2 – Exhausted and Overwhelmed

  • Session 3 – Relationships

  • Session 4 – Sexism

  • Session 5 – Fears and Anxiety Attacks

  • Session 6 – The Great Pretender—The Orgasm Syndrome

  • Session 7 – Negative Attitudes

  • Session 8 – Bad Habits

  • Session 9 – Self-Esteem

  • Session 10 – Wishful Thinking, the Scarlett O'Hara Syndrome

  • Session 11 – Dealing with Crisi

  • Session 12 – Success

Reviews and Praise

"Marcia Rosen is as good a business therapist as there is. Working women today must eliminate anxiety and confront sexism that occurs in the business world. Marcia dispels the notion that women can't be fulfilled in all aspects of their lives. She is proof that strength and dignity can lead to success."
— Lillian Vernon, Founder and CEO, Lillian Vernon Catalogs


"If you want to succeed in business, run, don't walk, to buy this book!"
— Deborah Chase, Author


"Business Therapy in a Book. It's Fabulous."
— Edith Corso, Ph.D.


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"The Woman's Business Therapist"


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