“My Gangster Father and Me,” is a unique Father’s Day gift. Our history and experiences can define us, inspire our actions and as writers impact our words and stories. Mine most definitely has. My father was a gangster. Really! Marcia Rosen
This is my story about my relationship with my father and how his profession affected me and my life, “He called me Sugar Plum. Both a blessing and a burden, I learned interesting lessons from my father: about generosity and determination, taking risks, and certainly finding the willingness to live life as an adventure.”
I visited my dad’s gambling hall, where a card room was hidden behind closed doors. But it was in our kitchen at home on many Sunday mornings where I saw my dad and his pals, a cast of interesting characters, counting “the take” from football and baseball and other sports bets. There were those who showed a certain respect, a certain caution of who he was, and therefore, who I was in their world. I love writing mysteries, but I knew it was time to write this mystery… about my father and me.
So, I remember Papa, not like the old heartwarming TV Show, I Remember Mama. My memory has a far different rhythm because he was more like a Walter Mitty character in real life, and because as a gangster he frequently lived outside society’s code of acceptable, approved actions.
None of us are innocent. We all keep secrets about who we are and things we know.
“The issue of my father’s dark side still hangs in the air for me. There are moments I still question, even here and now, “Do we own the shame of our parent’s actions? Do I?”

A clever, intriguing, and gripping new cozy mystery filled with exciting twists and turns, bizarre murders and fascinating characters, including several dead authors who seem to speak to Veterinarian, Miranda Scott. A fan since childhood of Agatha Christie, Raymond Chandler, and Sherlock Holmes their voices seem to live in her head frequently telling her what to do…and not do. Especially when it comes to solving mysteries.
After a body is tossed into the lions’ habitat at the zoo where she is the senior veterinarian, Miranda and Detective Bryan Anderson find themselves investigating several murders and dealing with a group of bad guys, while gangster friends of her father are trying to protect her. Plus, Miranda and Bryan alternate between flirting and fighting off romantic feelings.
Murders, deceit, revenge, a gangster father and godfather often get in the way of a fine romance!
Agatha, Raymond, Sherlock, and Me: Murder At The Zoo published by Artemesia Publishing.
Winner, “My Memoir Workbook” New Mexico Book Co-op
Winner, “The Gourmet Gangster,”New Mexico Book Co-op (With Jory Rosen)
Honorable Mention, “Dead In THAT Beach House,” New Mexico Book Co-op
Honorable Mention, “Dead In Bed,” The Hollywood Book Festival,
Honorable Mention, “Dead In Bed, ”Public Safety Writer’s Association
Winner, 2000, “Women of The Year,” East End Women’s Network (Hamptons)

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